1 Year of Big Bang Blog

Exactly 365 days ago, a boy in his small hostel room clicked a button on a website and the domain name bigbangblog.pk was registered. But that’s not how this blog started. It started with a spark, a passion, a desire – in a multitude of persons among which that boy was just another one. Very few people in the world are clear on why are they doing what they are doing. But when we started this blog, we were privileged enough to have this clarity.

Sometimes, I wander in old places and try to imagine, how it would have felt being there in an ancient time. How, once ordinary people, extraordinary people, all kinds of people, would pass through these hallways and speculate on how things are going to change in the future. Sometimes, I wonder about a magnanimous tree (If you enter through PU’s gate no.2, and move forward a bit, you’ll see that tree on your left side) about how the people who tended to it in its infancy would feel looking at its grandeur now. Sometimes, I just imagine what a great deal of events would have this tree witnessed. Students, professors, staff, moving to this university, thinking about themselves making something out of their little time here in their own ways, and then eventually leaving it, either by themselves or by being outcaste or by the friend we eventually have to meet – death. In our everyday lives, when we tend to worry too much about our problems as if the point of existence of the entire universe was so that we would get stuck in these problems, it is sometimes good to sit by the tree and imagine the stories it would have to tell.

We were no extraordinary. We were a bunch of folks who wished to do something. We were who would not take our existence for granted. We wished in this world of complexity to understand things. We were curious. We were ordinary people who used to think.

It might feel distant, but it was just 12 months ago when we were discussing things, making plans, meeting out new people, talking about ideas, designing this logo, making this page, writing something. The processes slowly evolved. First, we got one writer outside our initial group. Then, some anonymous writers also joined us. We even had some writers from other departments. But not just that, we also had some marvelous readers who truly appreciated this work, or in whom, we were able to create a spark. There were not many but there were few, that I can assure. And those few are more than enough.

Around 10 years ago, a bunch of students in a university somewhere in Pakistan had created a blog. For me, finding that blog was like finding some ancient scrolls containing the well-kept secrets of alchemy. It was called Airian Blogs. I had read it all like some holy scripture. It had been active for just a few years from 2014 to 2016 and after those people graduated, the blog only existed as an archive of their time.

However, the people remained alive. They continue to live their extraordinary ordinary lives all at different places. So, that is what I want to tell you, that a blog is insignificant. Of having a digital footprint of your thoughts does not matter much. What matters is that you have existed through it. Being able to carry these thoughts forward and to evolve yourself into something a tiny little bit of better than yesterday is what makes all the difference. And when I reflect back on the last 12 months, I see that we have evolved so much and are much different persons than what we were back then. But that was just one insignificant year in who-knows how many!

So let ourselves reignite our sparks and revive our passions to do whatever we do with an ambition and not let ourselves be carried away with this dull monotony of university-ish life. Believe me, the world is bigger. Much, much, much bigger than what is in our course outlines. Here’s to another year of doing more, failing more, and failing better. You have got it. I have got it. Let’s make it happen!


  1. Habiba Tariq

    We all evolved, but this blog. Time’s flown, but the actions performed feels timeless as always remains with essence. The journey-BigBangBlog taught me a lot, made me a lot. Grateful for this nostalgic reminder, thoughtful observations and a beautiful morning!

  2. Arsalan Aswani

    The time has passed but the beautiful memories and the esthetics of our idea is currently making us realize that we are evolving everyday. We are not today same as we are one year ago. Thanks to the Man who make it possible and happen. It will remain untill the next big bang in the universe.

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