My mother’s diplomacy led me to book reading

Illustration of a mother and his son

One evening when I was 5 years old I asked my mother “How I was born?”.
Looking with strange eyes, she kindly replied, “One day on the roof of a hospital an angel appeared and handed you over to me“.
Though this answer was not very satisfactory, I knew very well that after another question, the reply would be “you will know this by yourself when you become an adult”. So I decided to remain silent and start thinking about these questions. Many years later, I was told that only Muslims can afford the entrance fee to Heaven. On one side I was delighted to hear this good news of clearance but at the same time, I felt sorry for non-Muslims, especially, those who are poor and marginalized in this world as well. Incidents like these compelled me to know facts. To know things only a few people know. One of the ways to quench the thirst was, of course, book reading. I was blessed enough to open my eyes in an educated family where I was gifted books on some occasions. I began my book-reading journey with stories of Holy Prophets. I fell in love with the story of Bani Israel. Hence, Egypt became my favorite country at that time. I wanted to meet Jewish people as their forefathers were companions of Prophet Moses AS. Later on, In 2016, I read a book by Imam al Ghazali named “Alchemy of happiness”. This book opened a very peaceful door for me as it was about “Tazkiyah”, which means Purification. I started learning about the heart and spirituality. I also read some verses from Holy Bible and life Jesus AS. One of my favorite quotes about the purification of the heart is from Imam Ibn al Qayyam. He says:

“There are two diseases of heart, doubts and desires”

In 2021, I wrote an essay on “Poverty is the worst crime” and I was rejected by “the boss”. The reason was very clear. Poverty is a social phenomenon and I used to read spiritual books. This was a juncture for me. I discovered new genres. I switched from Imam al Ghazali to Sigmund Freud. Radical shift right? I start reading books about Evolutionary Sciences, Economics, Society, and Sexuality. Now, I often try to find answers in above mentioned disciplines.

Throughout this journey from my first book to the latest, one thing was common and that was “Curiosity”. I always wanted to know the back-end coding of the world rather than saying “yes sir” to every idea that is injected by social agents in my brain. This approach helped me a lot and gave me immense social credibility. I remember when I was in school, my class fellows asked me to talk to the headmaster for solving certain issues. So I can say that it is my mother’s diplomatic answer that paved my path toward book reading.


  1. Tamseel Ahmad

    In this so-called times of liberty, our economic and cultural slavery can only be brought to end when we get rid ourselves of the intellectual slavery we are facing nowadays. And for that, we must start analyzing things critically instead of just conforming to whatever we are instructed. Highly appreciate this piece!

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