The mystery of the black hole

Illustration of a black hole

A black hole is a mystery on which a famous scientist Stephen Hawking served his whole life. When I was a child, I was already interested in black holes. I imagined it like a monster that swallows everything. Some questions about black holes always revolved in my mind so I started searching about it to find the answer. I watched many movies ( Interstellar, The edge of we know, etc. ), read many articles, and kept myself aware of the latest updates from NASA about black holes. The questions for which I was doing my efforts were following:-

1. Why black hole is black?
2. What would happen to me if I fell into a black hole?
3. What is the purpose of a black hole?

My search answers to these questions are as follows.

1) Why a black hole is black?

A black hole has no color, or it is not a hole. A black hole is an object like any other in space except that it is extremely dense which gives it a hole-like appearance or a high gravitational field. Due to powerful gravity, it swallows everything; even light cannot get out from it. As we know, massless objects are unaffected by gravity, so the question is: why is light affected by the gravity of black holes when light is made up of photons that are massless? Light is not directly affected by the gravity of a black hole. Space-time in the region of a black hole is so curved or stretched (due to large objects) that every possible path that light photons could take eventually curves and leads back inside the black hole.

2) What would happen to me if I fell into a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where gravity is so strong that no one can come back after reaching the event horizon. But if I imagine that I am traveling in a black hole so I will tell you what would happen to me. As I start going toward a black hole, I would start moving faster and faster accelerated by the force of gravity and start dragging forcefully. There is a gravitational singularity at the center of a black hole where density becomes infinite and I would be squashed into that center. Interesting thing is that if someone observed me from the outside of the event horizon he would see me as I am slowly falling into a black hole getting dimmer, or in the end, he would see me just freeze in the center, never crossing the event horizon. The reason behind it is that in a black hole, time slows down due to the curving of space-time while space moves forward so I wouldn’t be able to escape from the black hole, however, maybe I can travel in time arbitrarily far into the future but the question is whether I would came back from the blackhole and if so, in which time would I came back?

3) What is the purpose of a black hole?

Scientists thought blackhole formed after the big bang when the center of a very massive star collapsed upon itself. This collapse is called a supernova (explosion of a star). By looking at a black hole, we can learn something about the evolution of galaxies and the recycling of cosmological debris – debris or dust which exist in space due to cosmic construction (meteoroid, commits).

Although black hole is still a mystery for us, there is also a concept of the white hole on which scientists are working. What mysteries does white hole hold for us, we have yet to know.


  1. Tamseel Ahmad

    I think we the humans are so much fascinated by blackholes because of some inherent association that we feel with them probably because we owe our existence to them or probably because they will be the portal for this life-form to another life-form when this universe has reached its time. One can only wonder!

  2. uzma shahzad

    Yeah I agree, a black hole is like a puzzle the more we get to know about it the more it is complicated for us to believe in

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