Statistically proven, “people who stay up late at night tend to live longer”. Thank God I’m a night owl. The irony is that’s not even true, and you make an assumption about yourself based on who you are and what your habits are. You assumed the number of years you were going to live. That’s all because I used the word STATISTICALLY. Human brains are hacked to believe that everything that is statistically true is actually true. It’s clickbait, you guys!
Years and years of scrolling through an endless sea of garbage have made us susceptible to it. Sometimes the content is vile, dark, explicit, against human morals, and has the ability to corrupt the human mind. But you want to know a funny thing? I bet you do. We are defenseless against this dark content; our young minds don’t have any tools or superpowers to save our mental health from such repulsive things. I’m not talking about defending a country; I’m talking about defending our minds and mental health, but we fail to do so. This content is designed in a way to leave you defenseless; you become insecure, timid, depressed, and whatnot.
This content is tracking your brain and sucking up its capabilities. Don’t believe me? Okay, let’s say you are at 3 a.m. watching a video of a cat swimming in a pool. Sounds like you? I dare you to try to remember this after two weeks. STATISTICALLY proven you would forget that.
Still not convinced? Okay, let’s take out my trump card. You were on your phone, and your mother told you to bring a data cable from another corner of the house. Obviously, you got up, even though you were not willing. You went there and searched here and there, but now you’ve totally forgotten what she asked. You went back, reasked your mother, and brought back the adopter, and got a chapet in return. You are utterly shocked by this situation, but then you remember that you were supposed to bring data cable. It also ‘statistically’ proves how this unlimited garbage is ruining our brain’s analytical power and degrading our memory.
I know we are a generation of 10-second focus, so I won’t take your attention and leave you with a question: “How much time and brain abilities can I save by cutting off this heap of garbage from my life permanently, of course STATISTICALLY?” Or
Should I cut off this garbage to avoid chapet (slap) from Ammi in the future?
What you have depicted is so true. But not going to accept defeat so easily. We are the resistance!
What a content !
Really appreciate it.
A very interesting and engaging content to read, and yess the consequences of Ammi’s CHAPET are quite remarkable.