I am writing this blog, especially for boys, and my brothers who want to be a gentleman. For those who are going to take responsibility for themselves, their family, and their motherland. If you are a girl, you are here perhaps out of curiosity but you are also welcome because one day you will be a mother and have to nurture a boy. Primarily, I am focusing on boys. So, my dear brothers, I am going to share some interesting thoughts with you that will level up your manliness. Don’t worry about the title, I will explain it below.

Life is a path on which you are walking. You have family, friends, and relatives with you on this path but everyone has one’s own experience. You have your own eyes from which you are experiencing this universe. You have your mind where all the information is being processed. You are “You”. You were born alone and will die alone. So, you have to take responsibility for your actions. You are answerable to God for your deeds. You have to justify your actions if you do something wrong. Don’t blame the education system or your parents for your characterlessness and immaturity. They did their best. Now, it’s your turn to fill the gap and make yourself mature. Take responsibility for your future in every dimension.

You may have hundreds of friends or thousands of followers on any social media outlet but no one can replace your family members, especially your parents. Think logically, your parents loved you and took care of you when you had nothing. No social status, no skills, no money, no education, etc. They loved you unconditionally and that was the pure form of love. Be respectable to the people of your family. Be an inspiration for your younger siblings and cousins. One day you will have your own family, prepare yourself now. A strong man makes a strong family, hence, strong families make strong societies. Your mother should be the most important lady in your life. Your father should be your role model.

We, humans, are social animals. We make friends for personal and professional purposes. Make few but good long-term friends. You are being evaluated by your company. Avoid making visionless friends who are living just for fun rather make sensible and mature friends. You don’t have to compete with your friends. learn from them and grow together. If you have friends of the opposite gender, be kind to them. Open doors for them and give flowers to them. You should know that you are different from them physically as well as mentally. Deal with them as per their psyche. If you were comfortable with any of your friends but due to certain reasons now you are not, just communicate with him. Try to find common ground. Always try your best to avoid conflict but if you could not manage to be in friendship with him, just politely change your policy. You can’t change people, but you can change your policy.
Romantic love and Dating:

If you have jumped to this section directly, I would recommend you to read all other sections as well. Be careful, don’t confuse love with sexuality. You are a male and will get attracted to females, sexually. But remember you are walking on the path of gentlemen. This path is not for weak boys. A gentleman doesn’t waste his resources on random ladies just for his pleasure. Some people are willing to engage in short-term romantic relationships but I would recommend you to not. If you spend Rs.2000 on your girlfriend every month and you have been dating for the last 5 years. Think rationally, you have just wasted Rs. 120,000 on someone else wife. Preserve your romantic love and sexuality for your lovely wife who will be the mother of your kids. She will be with you in the ups and downs of life, not these chicks. Save your seeds for your future. Don’t be a weak person who can’t control his emotions. Your mother has not given you birth so you become crazy about certain female features. Have some big goals in life.

Arranged marriage or love, that’s your personal choice. Firstly, I would recommend you consider arrange marriage. You are a gentleman, you are a strong man, unlike other slaves of impulses. You have to love your wife because she chooses to live with you forever. You don’t need any certain physical or psychological features of your wife to love her. You should be interested in examining the personality of your future father-in-law. If he is also a gentleman, then it does not matter if you are going to marry his elder or younger daughter. Both of them are fruits of the same tree. Arranged marriage is also cost and time efficient. You will waste your time and money on dating someone just to know her. Just leave this decision to your family and focus on yourself. The time and money you are wasting on dating a girl, you can invest in any productive idea. In this way, in the future, you will be able to provide a better lifestyle to your genuine girl, of course. your wife. Secondly, marriage is a part of life not the aim of life. You should have a vision in life so that you can give meaning to your existence. Even a man on the street can marry someone what’s a big deal in it?
Last Words:

Now I will tell you about the title. You have to kill your boyhood to attain manhood. You have to leave that attitude that is a hurdle between you and your true manliness. Yes, this transition is a little difficult. Sometimes you will have to cry alone. You will be pressurized by the weak society members. But remember, in the end, this is your fight. Live life like a lion so that when you will be on your deathbed and there will be only 15 seconds left, you can smile and feel proud of yourself and able to say, “Alhamdulillah, I did my best”.
Although, we are prohibited but still curiosity led me here. hehe
By the way this piece of writing is greatly written. Really liked the ending which describes the crux of all different phases you have mentioned, which is TO DIE IN PEACE. Impressive!!
Thank You Lady. So nice of you.
Superb ideas, superbly written. Couldn’t agree more!
Btw I was reading very seriously but I literally burst into laughter when I read this line: “Think rationally, you have just wasted Rs. 120,000 on someone else’s wife.”. If anyone would do just a simple calculation, he would find this fact “roz-e-roshan ki tarah wazeh”, but it’s hilarious how people do this all the time. I wish boys start acting upon your advice and strive for some real high goals in life.
Thanks a lot Tamseel sb. So nice of you.