Whisper in the dark: Gaza’s tale – Poem

Amidst a scene of terror’s cruel embrace,
I stand and watch, terror’s grasp,
Buildings crumble, bomb attacks are unceasing,
Bloodstained streets bear witness to humanity’s abyss.
Beneath the rubble, injured and lifeless souls,
both young and old, their hopes in vain.
Smoke, like a shroud, ascends to the endless sky, weaves a tale of dread.
Hospitals, caught in the fiery craze,
While peace graces land far and away,
In Gaza, cries go unheard, a high price they pay.
Innocence lost in the tide of disdain,
despair in every heart.
Yet silence reigns, a deafening tide,
This darkness, this endless night,
consumes all in sight,
As the heart aches, the question remains,
A whisper in the dark, “Why genocide?”
Why does the world not rise to decree,
In this chaos, let empathy guide,
Stand against the tide, where hearts collide,
We must unite, for justice,
and humanity’s plight.

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